Papers of OITAF – Congresses

The presentations for the World Congress in Vancouver can be found here:

You will find these program items there

  • Development of ropeways in urban and tourist areas
  • Operation of ropeways
  • Ropeway technology, new developments
  • Dimensions of sustainability
  • Session 1

    BOLZANO - ITALY (2017)
    "Development of ropeways in urban and tourism applications"

  • Session 2

    BOLZANO - ITALY (2017)
    "Operation of ropeways: Technical and economic aspects"

    • Objective risk – personal perception
      Keynote speaker: Manfred Müller
      Lufthansa aircraft captain and instructor for risk management
      Despite enormous achievements in engineering and computer science the human operator is still extremely important when a complex process requires a high safety level.Humans make mistakes, however optimum team interaction can identify and correct human errors and is an important tool for risk management. (PDF 647 KB)
    • Continuous Motion, Constant Emotion – How to operate 365 days a year – ppt
      Diego Scofano: Mechanical Engineer, Technical Director at Sugar Loaf Cable Car in Rio de Janeiro
      Giuseppe Pellegrini: Mechanical Engineer, Director of Engineering at Sugar Loaf Cable Car in Rio de Janeiro (PDF 2,4 MB)
    • Continuous Motion, Constant Emotion – How to operate 365 days a year – paper
      Report on the operational experience of the Cia Caminho Aéreo Pão de Açúcar that manages the Sugar Loaf Cable Car. The care and maintenance routines ensure availability over 99.5% with operations on every day of the year. (PDF 543 KB)
    • Seasonality – what is seasonality? Paths to year-round operation in mountain destinations – ppt
      Michael Volgger: Senior Researcher at the Institute for Regional Development and Location Management at Eurac research and Senior Lecturer at Curtin University
      Harald Pechlaner: Head of Institute at the Institute for Regional Development and Location Management at Eurac research; Chair in Tourism at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
      Gerhard Vanzi: Senior Research Affiliate at the Institute for Regional Development and Location Management at Eurac research (PDF 12,4 MB)
    • Seasonality – what is seasonality? Paths to year-round operation in mountain destinations – paper
      By looking at the case example of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and tourism destination of Dolomites in Italy, the presentation provides some concrete tools and models that support product design in mountain destinations in order to reach a stepwise extension from mainly winter-focused towards year-round operations (PDF 152 KB)
    • A tool for controlling risks in ropeway operation: the safety management system – ppt
      Gaëtan Rioult: Head of the Ropeway Division of STRMTG (Service technique des remontées mécaniques et des transports guidés) – Directorate General for Infrastructure, Transport and the Sea (France) (PDF 331 KB)
    • A tool for controlling risks in ropeway operation: the safety management system – paper
      The analysis of ropeway accidents shows that organizational and human factors related to employees regularly play a role in the course of such events. The objective of the presentation is to demonstrate the usefulness of safety management systems and to illustrate the potentials of this tool by specific examples. (PDF 169 KB)
    • Digitization: The key to raising efficiency – ppt
      Michael Arnold: Responsibility for SisControl, SISAG (PDF 1,2 MB)
    • Digitization: The key to raising efficiency – paper
      The tourism and ropeway industry faces extremely high pressures today and tomorrow. This requires instruments, such as software tools, that make operations more effective, faster and more flexible. This can be achieved to a large extent by the consistent and smart digitization data and by networking them (PDF 573 KB)
    • Driverless operation of ropeways – ppt
      Thibault Chatelus: Ropeway Division of STRMTG (Service technique des remontées mécaniques et des transports guidés) – Directorate General for Infrastructure, Transport and the Sea (France) (PDF 1,2 MB)
    • Driverless operation of ropeways – paper
      The contribution presents the analyses performed in recent years in France and the findings obtained for the operation of ropeways without permanently present operating staff. Concrete examples are used to highlight the issues requiring particular attention during the construction and operation of such systems. (PDF 573 KB)
    • A dream of the “O.I.T.A.F. Congress 2053” – ppt
      Pier Giorgio Graziano: Former technical director of the ropeway manufacturer Agudio, head of the Working Group “Material transport ropeways and cable cranes” of O.I.T.A.F., amateur novelist (PDF 2,9 MB)
    • A dream of the “O.I.T.A.F. Congress 2053” – paper
      A fictitious dream voyage to the year 2053 when the O.I.T.A.F Congress again takes place in Bolzano: This provides an occasion for looking back to 2017 and remembering the then O.I.T.A.F. Congress. In the course of the Congress, a ropeway packed with of exciting innovations that was initiated by O.I.T.A.F. and built in a joint effort of all the manufacturers is inaugurated. (PDF 1,2 MB)
  • Session 3

    BOLZANO - ITALY (2017)
    Ropeway technology only

  • Session 4

    BOLZANO - ITALY (2017)
    "Sustainability of ropeways"

    • The future of urban cableways – dealing with an urgent challenge in Europe
      Keynote speaker: Heiner Monheim
      Transport expert, emeritus professor of applied geography, urban and regional development and spatial planning at the University of Trier, and partner in raumkom – Institute of Regional Development and Communication, Trier/Bonn/Malente
      Experiences made in current urban ropeway projects, problems of integrating them into public transport systems and the urban fabric, conclusions drawn on the basis of system comparisons for sensible fields of application, typical problems arising during implementation. (PDF 6 MB)
    • The green side of a ropeway company – the example of Schmittenhöhebahn AG/Zell am See, the only ropeway operator certified under EMAS worldwide
      Erich Egger: CEO of Schmittenhöhebahn AG
      It is up to each ropeway operator to make a contribution to balancing the diverse interests at the interface between ecology and the economy. The presentation focuses on practical examples and on how they are reflected in communications. (PDF 4,6 MB)
    • On the natural advantages of a ropeway project. Hangursbanen, Voss- Norway – ppt
      Kåre Flatlandsmo: Project manager of the Norwegian R&D program “Safety of Aerial Ropeways” (PDF 689 KB)
    • On the natural advantages of a ropeway project. Hangursbanen, Voss- Norway – paper
      The concept of ecosystem services is used to estimate, in economic terms, the ecological advantage of placing the lower station of an aerial ropeway project literally right next to a busy railway station. (PDF 379 KB)
    • Trends in North American urban cable – 2016 – ppt
      Mike Deiparine: Professional Engineer, Senior Project Manager, Engineering Specialties Group
      Jim Fletcher: Professional Engineer, Fellow ASCE, Senior Consultant, Engineering Specialties Group (PDF 841 KB)
    • Trends in North American urban cable – 2016 – paper
      Evaluation of the history and current developments of urban cable in North America. It will discuss the recent trends, the concerns and the opportunities seen for this market. (PDF 1 MB)
    • The Dolomites – an admirable region – ppt
      Sandro Lazzari: Active in the ropeway industry since the 1960s, first in Val Gardena and then in the Fassa Valley. President of A.N.E.F. from 1993 to 2014. President of FIANET (International Federation of Ropeway Operators) for nine years. Member of O.I.T.A.F.’s Management Committee since 1993, President of Dolomiti Superski for nine years (PDF 4 MB)
    • The Dolomites – an admirable region – paper
      This region that is ideal for ropeways and lifts is a role model of a well-functioning ropeway industry that established an integrated economic chain from production to application and, at the same time, is the driver of an extensive supply industry that stands out by continuous innovation and a strong focus on sustainability. (PDF 70 KB)
    • The ecological footprint of a ropeway in urban transport areas
      Klaus Erharter: Technical Director, Leitner Ropeways
      The ecological sustainability of investment projects plays a more and more important role in decision-making processes. The paper presents the ecological footprint of a ropeway across its life cycle and a comparison with a traditional mode of transport. The ecological sustainability of a ropeway can be calculated on the basis of statistical data by inputting a few parameters into a calculation tool. (PDF 1,7 MB)
    • Economic comparison of transport modes in urban public transportation
      Jessica Gürth: Institute for Transport and Logistics Management, University of Economics and Bussines, Vienna
      Overview of infrastructure, personnel and other criteria, for comparison with alternative means of transport
      Has not yet been released for publication by the author ( )
  • Workshop

    BOLZANO - ITALY (2017)

    • Book of Design Thinking on Ropeways
      Concept: Solving complex problems often requires the incorporation of multiple perspectives and the knowledge of many disciplines. The workshop «Design Thinking on Ropeways» (DTR) held at Toblach-Dobiacco – South Tyrol from 19.05 – 24.05.2017 allowed the students of UNIBZ & NABA to experimentailly explore the potential of interdisciplinary collaboration by creating a shared situation awareness and establishing a common language in addressing problems for future scenarios of Ropeways. The foundation for a successful co-creation between: UNIBZ (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano) and DOLOMITI SUPERSKI.
      The Projects: The students of UNIBZ & NABA developed 8 projects on how Ropeways might be used in the future. (PDF 16,4 MB)
  • Public session: Ropeway history Uphill, the history of ropeways

    BOLZANO - ITALY (2017)

  • Other papers which have been submitted to the international congress, but will not be presented verbally by their author

    BOLZANO - ITALY (2017)

  • 1st working session

    ’Rope driven transportation in urban settlements’

  • 2nd working session

    ’Transportation by rope and tourism’

  • 3rd working session

    ’Sustainability of transportation by rope, environmental and social aspects, economic efficiency’

  • 4th working session

    ’Technology and safety’

  • ’Other papers which have been submitted to the international congress, but will not be presented verbally by their author’

    ’Other papers which have been submitted to the international congress, but will not be presented verbally by their author’